Martes, Abril 28, 2015
Lunes, Abril 27, 2015
How to Avoid IRS Penalties with Bankruptcy
How to Avoid IRS Penalties with Bankruptcy
When an individual becomes overwhelmed with debt and has an abundance of federal taxes that were not paid and are past due, a way to be relieved from these IRS obligations is to declare bankruptcy. Those who have past due taxes will be hassled by the IRS and receive fees based upon how late their tax filing is. They will become even more unable to pay their federal taxes than they were before this. Filing for bankruptcy is not the only way to free someone from federal tax debt, but it is one of the easiest ways.
What is bankruptcy?
When an individual declares bankruptcy, they are stating that they have become overrun with debt and can no longer pay their bills, and they are also unable to pay them off in the future based upon their current income and amount of savings that they have. There are two different forms of bankruptcy, chapter 7 or chapter 13, chapter 7 being more for individuals who are most likely not going to be able to pay even a portion of their debt off within a period of time.
What are the positives of declaring bankruptcy?
The most common sought out aspect of declaring bankruptcy is a freedom from debt as well as a freedom from debt collectors. When an individual declares bankruptcy, it makes it so that collectors can no longer seek them out and hassle them over their past dues. Declaring bankruptcy in most cases will allow individuals to keep their homes when they could otherwise lose them due to being overwhelmed with bills.
What are the negatives of declaring bankruptcy?
After an individual declares bankruptcy, his or her credit score will take a large hit. This can take quite a while to improve again, but it is likely that those needing to file bankruptcy already have a poor credit score and this allows them to rebuild instead of keeping it in a downward slope. You may lose some of your possessions or properties that are not protected, as well as lose all of existing credit cards to avoid any further debt. Declaring bankruptcy makes it very difficult for individuals to obtain mortgages.
How do you file for bankruptcy?
When an individual decides they have no other choice but to declare bankruptcy, they should get into contact with a lawyer. Jenkins Law Firm is able to confirm whether or not bankruptcy is the best option and will be able to assist individuals with the legal process and how to declare a status of bankruptcy.
Do you still need to file with the IRS after declaring bankruptcy?
Although filing for bankruptcy is a way to get out of the hassle of dealing with collectors, filing taxes with the IRS is still a necessary component to any working person’s life. The yearly tax return forms must still be turned into the IRS if applicable, and according to the IRS website individuals have a four year period after bankruptcy declaration to file all tax forms.
Contact Jenkins Law Firm today for more information on how to avoid IRS penalties.
The post How to Avoid IRS Penalties with Bankruptcy appeared first on Jenkins.
from Jenkins
Tongue Problems
Having a tongue that is in good physical shape is an important part of overall oral health. A healthy tongue is slightly bumpy with a light pink coloring. There are numerous problems that can happen to the tongue from lacking oral hygiene, so keeping the tongue clean is a necessity in avoiding these illnesses.
White tongue
The tongue can develop a white, filmy coating on the top of the tongue for a variety of different reasons. One of the reasons the tongue can turn white is called oral thrush, in which a type of fungus in the mouth is allowed to grow out of control. This type of white fungus usually grows in a spotty manner and can be caused by ill-fitting dentures, using tobacco products or certain medications. The other two causes of white tongue, oral lichen planus and leukoplakia, are not necessarily caused by problems within oral care.
Red tongue
The healthy tongue is regularly a light pink color, but it can turn into a bright red which indicates a problem with oral health. One of the main causes of this dysfunction in the tongue is a vitamin deficiency, so having a healthy diet is a necessity in having a healthy, pink-colored tongue. The other causes of having a red tongue is having an illness, like scarlet fever, so keeping general health in check is a must.
Hairy, black tongue
The tongue naturally grows hair-like fibers, but they are typically ground down by using the mouth to eat and various other activities. Sometimes, these hair-like things do not wear down, and their long fibers attract bacteria and make it easier for them to multiply. As bacteria multiply, they become black or dark brown in appearance which causes the tongue to look dark and the hair-like fibers to be more pronounced. This can be avoided by keeping the tongue clean by brushing it and rinsing with mouthwash regularly to avoid excessive bacteria.
Bumpy Tongue
The tongue naturally has some small bumps on it where the taste buds are, but the bumps can become heavily defined and even painful. This can happen if an individual uses tobacco products that can cause tongue irritation. Another reason the tongue can become bumpy is due from stress, such as developing canker sores, which can be avoided by lowering an individual’s overall stress level. Bumps on the tongue are also a form of cancer, so if unsure check with a dental professional.
Sore Tongue
Tobacco use is one of the main culprits in causing the tongue to become sore and painful. Avoiding tobacco products is a necessity in maintaining oral health, and keeping the tongue feeling healthy and happy. Another reason the tongue may be sore is due to deficiencies in the body like anemia and diabetes. Keeping the body healthy is one of the best ways to keep oral health in check as the immune system is able to focus its attention on killing off any illness within the mouth rather than fixing the body.
The post Tongue Problems appeared first on Dr. Priti Naik, DDS.
from Dr. Priti Naik, DDS
Musical Instruments and Braces
It’s time to play your instrument, but your mouth is still sore from the braces that were recently placed. You hesitantly pick up the brass instrument and put it to your lips. It doesn’t feel right. The added pressure from the mouthpiece rests uncomfortably against...
The post Musical Instruments and Braces appeared first on Dana Keith.
from Dana Keith
Martes, Abril 14, 2015
Five Ways Dentists Can Protect the Environment
Five Ways Dentists Can Protect the Environment
As with any business, particularly a healthcare facility, dental offices have their own recycling challenges. Finding ways to reduce and reuse waste is not always possible, but every effort is made toward that goal. Medical wastes and toxic wastes, which are both part of everyday life in a dental facility, present further challenges than standard office wastes
Dental offices handle a variety of waste types. Five of those include non hazardous material, sharps, biomedical wastes, mercury substances and lead-based products. Each type of waste poses different environmental and health concerns, and different steps are used for each type of waste material.
Non-hazardous wastes
When considering recycling and reducing waste, non-hazardous material, such as paper, corrugated, aluminum and plastics are at the top of the list. The best solution is to reduce whenever possible and properly recycle the rest. In some cases, additional steps must be taken, such as with confidential documents, which should be placed in specially marked containers, and confidential document disposal professionals should be contacted for removal.
Dental offices use sharp instruments. If you have ever had a dental treatment that required an area of your gums be numbed, then chances are great you have experienced examples of some of the sharp instruments used. These instruments must be eliminated appropriately to protect environmental concerns as well as people from the hazards these tools pose. Special containers are used for proper disposal of disposable sharp objects.
Biomedical Wastes
Biomedical waste contains items that include bodily fluids like blood. Dental staff can double bag these items in a biomedical waste bag and label properly. They can be refrigerated until removal by a biomedical waste professional.
Mercury-Containing Wastes
One of the biggest culprits for dental mercury wastes is through the use of amalgam fillings. Dental amalgams are used for fillings in teeth. They are the ‘silver’ colored fillings that have been used for more than 150 years. While amalgams have been deemed as safe for use in dental fillings, the mercury contained within them can pose environmental concerns if any scraps or vapors are not properly disposed.
Unused mercury material can be stored in air-tight containers until a certified biomedical waste management professional can be contacted for disposal. However, sometimes accidents happen in the office. If mercury is spilled, mercury spill kits are available for staff. This basically eases cleanup by forming scrap amalgam that can then be recycled. Above all, elemental mercury as well as amalgam materials should never be washed down the drain or placed in the garbage.
Lead-Containing Wastes
Mercury isn’t the only potentially toxic material that is used in dental offices. Oral X-ray packets contain a lead foil inside. Dental offices also use lead aprons. Since high levels of lead can be toxic to people as well as to the environment, proper steps are taken to manage this type of waste. Waste items containing lead should be handed to commercial waste professionals and not thrown in the trash.
The post Five Ways Dentists Can Protect the Environment appeared first on Lexington Dentist.
from Lexington Dentist
Dentists Can Offer Carpooling or Public Transit Reimbursement
Dentists Can Offer Carpooling or Public Transit Reimbursement [divider] There are a couple of problems that sometimes plague employees preventing them from getting to work. For some, it is a lack of personal transportation. For others, it is a matter of overcrowded parking spaces. More employers today are seeing the impact that this has on […]
The post Dentists Can Offer Carpooling or Public Transit Reimbursement appeared first on Apple Dental.
from Apple Dental