Dentures are a pair of cosmetic teeth that can be used as a suitable replacement for your natural teeth which need replacement or have gone missing due to various reasons. Different types of dentures have different functions and each one acts as a frame which supports the entire row of teeth.
Missing teeth is a serious condition faced by people of almost all ages at some point in their lives. While the total number of missing teeth may differ due to a number of factors, adults aged between 20 and 64 have on average, 3.28 decaying or missing teeth. In addition, tooth decay or loss is mostly present in black and hispanic groups, along with low income social groups.
In this guide we will discuss a few key things you need to know about dentures:
Types of Dentures
There are two different types of dentures:
● Complete set
These consists of a full row of teeth, either for the lower or upper jaw or both. First, the teeth which are not needed will be removed. Next, a full set of porcelain or zirconium (depending on your requirements) teeth is prepared, all locked together in a single piece which are chiseled according to your oral impression. When the mouth piece is complete, it will fit perfectly and comfortably allowing you to easily eat, chew and speak.
● Partial Set
A partial denture is used when there are a few teeth that need to be replaced. A plastic, nylon or metal plate consisting of false teeth is clipped on to your actual teeth, with the help of clasps which help in holding them in place. They can also be easily removed.
Denture Alternatives
The biggest alternative to dentures are dental implants which are more permanent than dentures. They are also known as fixed bridges and the process is fairly similar for both single and multiple implants. The complication with dental implants is the planning dentists have to go through before performing dental implant surgery. A lot of assessment and evaluation needs to be done beforehand which is why dentures are the more practical and preferred option.
What are the Benefits of Dentures?
There are many benefits of having dentures made by a well-trained dentist, such as:
- A brighter, more attractive smile
- More confidence
- Easy chewing and swallowing
- More jawbone stability
How Much Does it Cost?
When it comes to denture prices, there are certain factors to consider such as how robust the structure is, what materials were used, how complicated the integration procedure is, and if it’s only for the lower jaw, upper jaw or both. All these alongside with any professional expenses the dentist adds up can fall anywhere between $1,200 and $3,200. To sum it up, it largely depends on what your individual requirements are.
Consult Bronitsky Family Dentistry and do not hesitate to voice any questions or concerns before getting your dentures made. Give us a call at (503) 649-5665 today and speak to the dentist to know more.
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