Biyernes, Abril 1, 2016

4 Fruits That Are Great For Your Dental Health

4 Fruits That Are Great For Your Dental Health

Dental HealthFruits are a nutritional treasure for human beings and every one of us should eat as much fruit as possible. Fruits will provide you with necessary minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that will also protect your gums and teeth. Studies have shown that increased fruit intake has been associated with lower levels of tooth decay. The high level of water in fruits also helps your saliva flow and helps your teeth and gums resist the damaging effects of accumulation of plaque, bacteria and harmful acids.

Here are 7 fruits that are great for your oral health:  


Strawberries contain ingredients like malic acid and vitamin C, both of which help keep your teeth white. The former acts like an astringent which eliminates the stains from teeth while the latter aids in the removal of plaque from teeth. You can also make a strawberry and baking soda paste and use it as a teeth whitening toothpaste.


Malic acid – which is a necessary ingredient of teeth whiteners – is also present in apples. Eating an apple can increase the saliva flow, which helps clean the mouth and reduce the chances of developing cavities. Apples are also helpful in reducing yellow spots on your teeth because of high amount of fiber in them.


Bananas are full of minerals and vitamins that strengthen your teeth and body. They are one of the most affordable fruits and are an amazing source of energy. The inside of a banana peel can be used to whiten your teeth as it is full of minerals like potassium, magnesium and manganese. Just take a banana peel and rub the inside of it on your teeth for a couple of minutes. Your teeth will absorb the minerals which will help whiten teeth.


Your teeth need calcium to stay healthy and oranges are an abundant source of calcium. Oranges also contain vitamin C which helps keep gums strong. Oranges also contain citric acid which increases the production of saliva giving your teeth a better chance to fight off bacteria. Rubbing the inside of orange peel on your teeth also helps whiten your teeth.

If you need more information about what kinds of foods are beneficial for your dental and oral health, don’t hesitate to contact us. Give Bronitsky Family Dentistry a call now at (503) 649-5665 or visit our office at 17952 SW Blanton St, Aloha, OR 97007.

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How Vital are Healthy Baby Teeth For Children?

How Vital are Healthy Baby Teeth For Children?

teeth for childrenThe importance of having healthy primary teeth or baby teeth cannot be understated. The teeth that erupt during infancy need to be taken care of as much as the adult teeth because their condition establishes a child’s dental health for the future. Damaged or underdeveloped primary teeth can result in various health issues.

Your child starts out with baby teeth because a child’s mouth is too small for permanent teeth. While these teeth may appear to be only temporary, it is crucial that they be taken care of. Just like a healthy, complete smile has a positive emotional effect on adults, children are also well aware of how they look. Having an unhealthy mouth or compromised teeth can really affect how a child feels. By the age of 13, a child’s mouth is big enough to accommodate permanent teeth and that’s usually when the last of the adult teeth come in, aside from the wisdom teeth.

What Is The Purpose of Baby Teeth?

The growth and health of your child is dependent on the primary teeth. Here is why healthy baby teeth are essential for a baby:

  1. They allow children to chew and consume solid and nutritious foods so that they receive sufficient nourishment for their developing bodies.
  2. The construction of a children’s mouth and teeth is critical for them to properly learn and to speak. The sounds of the letters can’t be learned adequately without a healthy set of teeth.
  3. Permanent teeth erupt in place of their respective baby teeth. If for some reason baby teeth have fallen off prematurely, are crooked or have some other defect, it can hurt the permanent teeth as well.

How to Care For Baby Teeth?

There are a few things you can do to take care of your baby’s primary teeth.

  1. Teething: Giving your child a cold and suitable teether to bite on is one of the many things you can do to help through their teeth eruption phase. Usually teeth grow in intervals so giving your child a teether, pediatrician recommended pain relievers (such as Tylenol) and a little massage on the gums can be very soothing and comforting for them.
  1. Brushing: As soon as the first tooth appears, you should start brushing it every night with water and a soft-bristled baby toothbrush. By the age of one, children usually have several teeth and more keep erupting until they are three. All this time you should be brushing your child’s teeth with a fluoride-free toothpaste.
  1. Dental visits: The ADA recommends that you take your child for their first dental visit as soon as the first birthday comes. After that, an annual dental visit for tooth cleaning, plaque removal, and fluoride application is important.

If you want to know more about how to care for your baby’s teeth, give Boones Ferry Dental a call at (503) 683-7484 and book an appointment.

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The What, Why and How of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is one of the most feared dental procedures. People are usually nervous about their first root canal treatment because of the procedure having a reputation for being long and complicated. Patients who understand why the treatment is necessary and what’s going to happen during the procedure are usually much calmer and less fearful about root canal treatment.
Why is root canal treatment necessary?
The human tooth has a pulp chamber or root canals beneath the outer enamel ...


Should Athletic Mouthguards Be Used While Playing Sports?

Should Athletic Mouthguards Be Used While Playing Sports? Athletic mouthguards have always been a subject of intense debate among professional and amateur sportspersons. Their use has proven to be effective at not only protecting the teeth and jaw, but also in reducing the severity of concussion. Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur or recreational player, it is always to your best advantage to wear a mouthguard. Every year, 5 million teeth are lost in the U.S. because of sports related injuries and more than $500 million is spent on teeth replacement. And with the use of such […]

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